This is a list of frequently asked questions and its answers
about the SpartanMC SoC-Kit. The Q&A section is intended as
a first resource for users, developers and interested readers.

Why an 18 bit processor?

Why an 18 bit processor?
The SpartanMC is designd for FPGA usage. Current FPGAs are available
with 18 bit memory and arithmetic units. Tipically, 16 bit with 2
additional bits for arbitrary use. The SpartanMC core uses 18 bit
instructions and datawidth to fit those structures. Furthermore,
the two additional bits enables a more efficient instructionset

Where can I get that SoC-Kit?

Where can I get that SoC-Kit?
To get the current release of the SpartanMC SoC-Kit and its
toolchain binaries you can use our download section.
Currently we are also working on a public svn repository to offer
the latest version of the SoC-Kit.

Does the toolchain support MS Windows?

Does the toolchain support MS Windows?
Generally, our toolchain is developed for GNU Linux operation
systems. Since we have written some tools in Java they will run
platform independend. If you are able to substitude tools like
make the build process will probably run on Windows too.
Toolchain |
MS Windows |
Linux |
Simulator |
YES (Java required) |
System Builder (jConfig) |
YES (Java required) |
Build Process (XST, configure and make, shell scripts) |
NO |
NO |
BinUtils |
NO |

For which clock frequency is it tested?

For which clock frequency is it tested?
SpartanMC SoCs were implemented on various FPGA boards. The
following table gives a selection of often used evaluation boards
and its tested clock frequencies:
Board |
Tested Frequency |
ML507 |
Virtex 5 XC5VFX70T-FF1136-2 |
80 MHz |
SP601 |
Spartan 6 XC6SLX16-2CSG324 |
60 MHz |
SP605 |
Spartan 6 XC6SLX45T-3FGG484 |
80 MHz |
It should be noted that the frequency values not representes
the technical maximum for the SpartanMC on this devices. The given
values were determined in context of projects and may be influenced
by other restricions.

Which FPGA vendors are supported?

Which FPGA vendors are supported?
Until now the SpartanMC SoC-Kit is implemented on Xilinx devices
only. For porting the SoC-Kit on FPGAs of other vendors an adaption
of the verilog code is required. Especially the macros for clock
generation and memory blocks (used for registers and main memory)
have to be adapted.
In order to provide a port for other FPGA vendors e.g. Altera or
Lattice, we currently work on a platform independed version of
the SpartanMC (using generic memoy modules).